- Anokutara-sammyaku-sanbodai(阿耨多羅三藐三菩提)SK.anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.perfect enlightenment.
- Bosatu(菩薩) SK. Bodhisattava.
- Bonten(梵天) ‘The Brahma Heaven'in the realm of form.
- Bonten-no(梵天王) The King of the Brahma Heaven.
- Bonno(煩悩) ‘Afflictions'; SK. Klesa; mental funkutions
which disturb and pollute the mind and body;
evil passions.
- Gaki(餓鬼) SK. preta; a hungry spirit'.
- Gedatsu(解脱) emancipation,to be released.
- Go(業) SK.Karma; anything which is thought,said
or done.
- Hannya-haramitu(般若波羅蜜) SK,prajna-paramita.Attainment of wisdom.
- Hosso(法相) Dharma-characteristic,dharma-aspect; T.Characteristics
or qual‐ities of dharma,or erements. U.The
essential nature of things; the reali‐ty-aspect.
V.Doctrine or tenet. W.Abbr,of Hossoshu.
- Innen(因縁) T,reason,the stories of previous lives,the
karmas which one did in one's previous existence
U,purpose;the reason why a sutrra was ex‐pounded,
- Inzo(印相) SK.mudra; a ritual sign with the finger in
esoteric Buddhism
- Ku(空) SK.Sunya.Sunyata; IV,the truth that nothing
is substantial; XTT the,Void.
- Kudoku(功徳) ‘Merit,virtue.'
- Kumaraju(鳩摩羅什) SK;Kumara-jiva(344-413); ofen abbreviated
Raju; transl-ated as Doju‘Boy's life.'His
farther was an Indian named Kumarayana, andhis
mother, Jiva, was a sister of a king of Kuccha,Kumarajiva
entered the priesthood at seven and studied
both Mahayana and Hinayana in north‐west
India and elsewhere.He then returned to Kuccha
and spread Mahayana.When Fu Chien(338-85)
conquerred Kuccha,Kumarajiva was invited
to China.He went to Chang-an in 401 and was
treated as a state master,For the restof
his life,he transrated Buddhist texts,amounting
to 35 sutras and di‐scoures in more than
300 fascicles, including Makahannya-haramitsu-kyo,
Myohorenge-Kyo(The Lotus Sutra), Amida-kyo,and
daicido-ron. He also lec‐tured on the Madhyamika
texts and laid the foundation of the San-Ron
sect.It is seid that he had 3,000 disciples,
of whom the following four are especially
famous; Tao-sheng, Seng-chao,Tao-jungand
- Kuon-zitujyo(久遠実成) ‘The true attainment in the remotest past;
commonlysaid Shakamuni's original buddahood.
- Nehan(涅槃) SK. nirvana.
- Rinne-tensei(輪廻転生) 'Transmigration; cycle of births and death.;to
go toone from another of the six regions.
- Sangai(三界) ‘The three realms'of the world of transmigration;(1)The
realmof desire(yokkai,欲界), which conprises
hell, the states of existence of hungry spirits,
animales, fighting spirits, and men,and part
of heaven; being of this realm have ,among
other things ,sexual desire and other ap‐petites;
(2) the realm of form (shikikai 色界), which
comprises part of heaven, where being have
neither sexual desire nor other appetites
and there are only fine types of matter;
(3) the realm of non-form (mushiki-kai 無色界)
which comprises pert of heaven,where no matelial
element ex‐ists and being enjoy only meditative
- Syura( Asura 修羅) SK. Asura; a type of demi-god; one of the
ten kinds of being living in different states
of existence and one of the eight super‐natural
beings who protect Buddhism Originally a
Hindu god, Asura became an evil spirit who
is constantly engaged in fighting with Indra.In
Buddh‐ism, asura are generally considered
as evel and fearsome spirites fond of fighting,
but some of them are good spirit and protectors
of Buddhism.
- Taisyakuten(帝釈天) SK. sakra devendra; popularly known as Indra;
the lord god of the Trayasrimsa Heaven; originally
a Hindu god but in Buddhism co‐nsidered
as a god who protects Buddhism and its followers.